In this blogpost I will explain how you can use Twitter moments for local seo. I will show an example of how to make a Twitter moment, and target your local business website. I will show how to create a so called “unstructured citation” with the Twitter moment. This means using the Twitter moment to make a reference to your business while getting the super powerful backlinks from Twitter.
Local seo is super relevant for you, if you have a company that serves clients in the close vicinity of your companies geographical location. This type of local optimized links helps to boost your companys visibility in the Google search engine.
Check out my training on linkbuilding with Twitter moments .
Step 1: The foundation of an optimized Twitter moments is to determine city and keyword and write optimized article
First of all you must decide what city + keyword you want to target. Start out with writing an seo optimized article, put it on a landingpage on your website, and optimize this landingpage for your target keyword combination.
With that done, you can do the second step, before moving to Twitter. Create a Youtube video. Make sure you mention the city+service in the speech, and make sure to insert the city+keyword in the title and description.
Now you are ready to create your Twitter moment for local seo effect!
As preparation, you must write a short description for the Twitter moment. I recommend a short description of the company. We also need the target URL, that you want to promote, and a image.
I allready covered the entire process of how to create a Twitter moment in the updated Twitter user interface, so I will not go into details with that here. But I will show the steps you need to take special notice of.

Step 2: Tweet urls and remember to mention your target keywords before creating the Twitter moment
You must now tweet the urls. When tweeting, you have 280 characters. So for each tweet, there is plenty room to both include the url, and a short text that contain the city + service. This is important, since we will include these tweets in the Twitter moment, and it gives the Twitter moment local relevance.
As allways, remember to include an image in your tweets. In the updated user interface, Twitter will not allow you to select a cover image for your Twitter moment, if you didnt tweet an image.

Step 3: Create the optimized Twitter moment for local seo effect
When creating the Twitter moment, the important thing is to remember to include the city + service in the title and the description. As explained in previous blogposts and videos, the Twitter moment will rank for the excact content in the title of the Twitter moment.
This is very important. Because, if you select a long tail keyword, your Twitter moment has a very good chance of ranking on page one, as well as your Youtube video and your blogpost.
Why is this important? Well, if you take up three spots in page one, you allready have three times the chance that potential clients will contact you, instead of your competitors.

Step 4: Repeat the process of creating Twitter moments for all your landing pages to boost rankings
This is where it gets really interesting. The more you use your Twitter profile, the stronger it gets. I suggest and recommend that you repeat the above process for all your landing pages in your website. You will for sure experience improved rankings and increased traffic. The only downside is, that the processes are all manual, and time consuming. But as SEO experts, we love rankings. So find the time, and be a happy SEO person 🙂
Step 5: Add Facebook and other social media in the mix
As mentioned previously, it helps your rankings if you share your Twitter moments and your youtube videos and landing pages on Facebook and other platforms. They may give nofollow backlinks, but interaction is a vital part of Googles search engine algorithm in 2022.
Take care! And again, check out my training on Twitter moments!
How to use Twitter moments for local seo